Karina G Felix – Prayer

Prayer Treatments

for Health, Wealth, Peace and Joy.

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     All thoughts are prayers being manifested within your conscious and unconscious mind, whether you are aware of it or not.

         One’s outer life is generally a reflection of one’s inner thoughts. To the degree that you are filled with faith is the degree that God’s Presence is active in manifesting your prayer. Praying is not asking but attuning yourself to God’s Will.

        When you feel like you require physical healing, financial increase, prosperity, or any changes necessary to living a conscious happy lifestyle, you must accept that God already knows your desires.
Source is always guiding you towards your true ultimate purpose of happiness, wellbeing, prosperity, and abundance.

           Use these prayer treatments as guidance as you navigate throughout your daily life’s routine with these prayer requests, affirmations, and faith that your health, wealth & wellbeing are already done, restored and manifested into your reality.

         These guided Prayer Treatments will guide you as you move into a new space of living, believing and enjoying life full out.

… And So It Is!

About the Author

 Dr. Karina G. Felix is a Metaphysical Scientist, Educator, and Ordained Minister.

She is the Founder & CEO of Affidian Multi Media Marketing Network.

She is a serial entrepreneur, magazine/book publisher, speaker, author, writer, 100 Successful Women in Business Award winner, Mentor, and Coach.

She has been on her spiritual journey since childhood and understands the importance of passing all knowledge and talents on to the next generation. 

Her life’s journey is a testament to Living a Conscious Lifestyle on an ongoing daily basis.

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